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Alexander Mikhailovich Feskov

MD, Ph.D., Professor, Gründer und Direktor der Feskov Human Reproduction Group, Mitglied von ASRM, ESHRE, UARM

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200+ Publikationen 29 Jahre in FHRG


Gründer und ideologischer Inspirator der gleichnamigen Klinik, Professor Feskov. Führender Spezialist auf dem Gebiet der Reproduktionsendokrinologie und endoskopischen Chirurgie. Chefarzt, Geburtshelfer-Gynäkologe der höchsten Kategorie, Ultraschallarzt. Mitglied der Europäischen Vereinigung der Reproduktionsmediziner und Embryologen (ESHRE). Er ist aktives Mitglied des Präsidiums der Ukrainischen Vereinigung für Reproduktionsmedizin, Mitglied der Vereinigung der Geburtshelfer und Gynäkologen der Ukraine und der Amerikanischen Vereinigung für Reproduktionsmedizin (ASRM). Vorsitzender der Ukrainischen Gesellschaft für Gendermedizin.

1982 schloss er sein Studium an der Nationalen Medizinischen Universität Charkow mit Auszeichnung ab und wurde zum Doktor der medizinischen Wissenschaften ernannt. 2002 verteidigte er seine Doktorarbeit zum Thema „Der Einfluss von Stimulationsinduktoren auf den Zustand des Endometriums in ART-Programmen“. Er verfügt über die höchste Zertifizierungskategorie in den folgenden Fachgebieten: „Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie“, „Endoskopie“ und „Ultraschalldiagnostik“.
Bis 1995 arbeitete Alexander Mikhailovich lange Zeit als Geburtshelfer und Gynäkologe. Verfügt über umfassende praktische und chirurgische Erfahrung und Kenntnisse der Reproduktionsmedizin.
Er nahm am ersten IVF-Programm in der Ukraine teil. 1995 gründete er eine Klinik, die sich mit Problemen der Unfruchtbarkeitsbehandlung befasst. Seit 2016 befasst sich die Klinik unter seiner Leitung mit Unfruchtbarkeit jeglicher Herkunft und Komplexität und garantiert Ergebnisse.

Als brillanter Lehrer wählte er die besten jungen Studenten aus, die später zu führenden Spezialisten der Klinik auf Weltniveau heranwuchsen. Feskov A.M. verfügt über grundlegende Kenntnisse der Physiologie des Fortpflanzungssystems, der menschlichen Embryogenese und der Molekulargenetik. Dies ermöglicht ihm als Organisator der Abteilung, Embryologen und Ärzten die besten modernen und effektivsten Werkzeuge zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Die Arbeit des Professors und seines Teams bildete die Grundlage für viele Reproduktionsstudien. Er ist der Begründer der Methodik zur Bereitstellung eines effektiven extrakorporalen Transferverfahrens. Tatsächlich ist er einer der Schöpfer moderner IVF-Protokolle. Er ist Autor von 4 Patenten, hat mehr als 200 wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen und nimmt an internationalen Konferenzen teil.


  • künstliches Implantationsfenster
  • Reproduktionsendoskopie, minimalinvasive Chirurgie.
  • Hysteroskopie in der Praxis,
  • Qualitätskontrolle der embryologischen Laborarbeit
  • Qualitätskontrolle einer modernen IVF-Abteilung
  • Eisprungstimulation
  • Reproduktion und Patienten im fortgeschrittenen reproduktiven Alter
  • mitochondrialer Transfer
  • Vorkerntransfer
  • Rokitansky-Mayer-Syndrom
  • Klinische Anwendung der ovariellen Stimulation in IVF-PGS-Programmen
  • polyzystisches Ovarialsyndrom (PCOS)
  • vorzeitiges Eierstockversagen
  • DNA-Matching für erweitertes Screening auf monogene Erkrankungen in Eizellspendeprogrammen
  • Stammzellenbehandlung bei Endometriose
  • Klinische Anwendungen von fetalen und autologen Stammzellen
  • POF/POI Stammzellen Anti-Aging
  • internationale interlaboratorische Qualitätskontrolle
  • Ethik in der Medizin und der menschlichen Fortpflanzung


  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Blazhko E.V. Influence of intrauterine transfer of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on embryos’ implantation rates in patients after infertility curing by method of IVF IFFS2010 20th World Congress on Fertility and Stirility. September 12-16, 2010, Munch, Germany. Medicine and Endocrinology Reproductive. – 2010. – №4. – pp. 320 – 321.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Blazhko E.V., Chumakova N.А., Tischenko А.А. Features of hormonal and antioxidant microenvironment of oocytes of women with hyperandrogenism Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Ninth Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 2-3 March 2010. - pp. 125-127.
  • Feskov A.M., Grabar V.V., Feskova I.А., Blazhko E.V., Zozulina А.N. Prognostic value of ovarian blood flow study during controlled ovulation stimulation Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Ninth Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 2-3 March 2010. - P. 141.
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Zozulina А.N. Study of the effect of intrauterine administration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on the frequency of embryo implantation in patients undergoing IVF infertility treatment. Journal "Bulletin of Problems of Biology and Medicine"
  • Feskov A.M., Grabar V.V., Feskova I.А., Blazhko E.V. Peculiarities of the course and outcomes of pregnancies in patients after IVF depending on the type of infertility. Problems, achievements and prospects of development of medical and biological sciences and practical health care. Works of the Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky. - 2010, Vol. 149, Part 3, pp. 201-204.
  • Feskov A.M., Somova E.V., Blazhko E.V., Аntonyan M.I, Feskov V.А. Preparation of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome for IVF program Problems, achievements and prospects of development of medical and biological sciences and practical health care. Works of the Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, 2010, Vol. 149, Part 4. - pp. 197-199.
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Chumakova N.А., Zozulina А.N., Blazhko E.V. The role of fertiloscopy in the treatment of female infertility. Problems, achievements and prospects of development of medical and biological sciences and practical health care. Proceedings of the Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, 2010, Vol. 149, Part 3. - pp. 205-207.
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Chumakova N.А., Ryumshina I.V Clinical experience of using colpexin pessary in the clinic of chronic pelvic pain. Problems, achievements and prospects of development of medical and biological sciences and practical healthcare. Works of the Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, 2010, Vol. 149, part 3. - pp. 208-209.
  • Feskov A.M., Somova E.V., Feskova I.А, Blazhko E.V., Tischenko А.А. Peculiarities of oocyte microenvironment and embryo morphology during in vitro fertilisation in women with hyperandrogenism. Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine. 2010. - Issue 2. - pp. 133-139.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Chumakova N.A., Zozulina А.N., Zhilkova E.S. Oocytes hormonal microsurroundings, fertilization potential and mbryos morphometric parameters in women with different androgenic state at IVF cycles Hum.Reprod. -2010.- Vol. 25, Suppl. 1. - P. i188.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Chumakova N.A. Influence of peripheral blood mononuclear cells intrauterine transfer on implantation rates in patients with unsuccessful IVF cycles Hum.Reprod. -2010.- Vol. 25, Suppl. 1. -.- P. 216.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Chumakova N.A., Zozulina А.N. Hormonal microsurroundings and oocytes fertilization potential in women with hyperandrogenia in dependence on the outcome of IVF cycles J. Reprod. Med. & Endocrinol.- -2010.- Vol. 7, N 4. - P.298.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Blazhko E.V. Influence of intrauterine transfer of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on embryos” implantation rates in patients after infertility curing by method of IVF. J. Repod. Med. & Endocrinol.. -2010.- Vol. 7, N 4 .- pp.320-321.
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Grabar V.V. Preimplantation genetic diagnostics of embryos of patients with sperm aneuploidy. Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow: XX annual international conference of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, Nizhny Novgorod, 6-8 September 2010 - Nizhny Novgorod, 2010.- P.30.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А. Influence of oocyte microenvironment on the result of in vitro fertilisation in hyperandrogenism. Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow: XX annual international conference of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, Nizhny Novgorod, 6-8 September 2010 - Nizhny Novgorod, 2010.- P.30.
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S., Pischanskaya N.N. Impact of preimplantation genetic diagnosis on assisted reproductive technologies results Reproductive BioMedicine Online. – 2010 – P. 79 (176)
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S. Effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies programs with preimplantation genetic screening Woman’s Health. - 2010. - № 7 (53). - pp. 222-225.-
  • Pitko V.А., Guz І.А., Аntonyan M.І., Lazurenko V.V., Feskov A.M Optimisation of pregnancy management after preimplantation assisted reproductive technologies. Works of the Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky. Problems, achievements and prospects of development of medical and biological sciences and practical health care, 2010, Vol. 148, Part 3, pp. 134-135.
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S. Medical and genetic characteristics of couples with infertility in assisted reproductive technology programs Tavrian Medical and Biological Bulletin - 2011 - Vol. 14.№3 - Part 2(55) - pp. 79-83
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S. Influence of the genotype of a couple on the effectiveness of in vitro fertilisation. Paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology - 2011 - Vol.73, No.1 - pp. 81-84
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S and other Preimplantation genetic diagnostics of embryos of patients with the presence of chromosomal aneuploidies in sperm nuclei on chromosomes X, Y, 18 Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine - 2011 - Issue 1 - pp. 259-261
  • Feskov A.M., Somova E.V., Grabar V.V. Effect of hyperandrogenism on the morphology of oocytes, embryos and frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in in vitro fertilisation cycles Bulletin of the problems of biology and medicine - 2011 - Vol. 2 - No. 1 - pp. 171-175
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Tischenko А.А. Influence of follicular fluid hormonal profile on in vitro fertilisation outcome depending on the androgen status of women Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Tenth Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 3-4 March 2011. - pp. 114-115.
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S. Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidies using transcervical trophoblastic cells in assisted reproduction Women's Health, No. 2 (58), 2011. - pp.179-159
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Grabar V.V., Blazhko E.V. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos of patients with the presence of chromosomal aneuploidies in sperm nuclei on chromosomes X, Y, 18 Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine. - 2011. - Issue 1. - pp. 259-261
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S. Medical and genetic characteristics of couples with infertility in assisted reproductive technology programs Conference, Sudak, 2011
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Blazhko E.V. Modified protocol for controlled ovulation stimulation in women with reduced ovarian reserve in assisted reproductive technology programs. Tauride medical and biological journal. - Vol. 14. - No. 14. - 2011. - pp. 241-243
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S. Influence of genotypic features of infertile couples on the effectiveness of in vitro fertilisation. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Tenth Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 3-4 March 2011. - pp. 32-34.
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S. Non-invasive prenatal genetic diagnosis of aneuploidy 47 XYY using transcervical trophoblast cells Abstracts of the 27 annual Meeting of ESHRE, Stockholm, Sweden, 3 July - 6 July, 2011,.- Vol. 26, Suppl. 1. - P. I293.
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Zozulina А.N. Use of physiological ICSI (picsi) in ART Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXI International Conference of the Russian Association for Human Reproduction (8-10 September 2011, St. Petersburg). - St. Petersburg, 2011. - pp. 55-56
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S. Development of non-invasive prenatal diagnostics (NPD) methods in assisted reproduction. Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXI International Conference of the Russian Association for Human Reproduction (8-10 September 2011, St. Petersburg). - St. Petersburg, 2011. - pp. 139-140
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Bezpechnaya I.M. Intrauterine administration of blood mononuclear cells in IVF cycles during transfer of fresh and vitrified embryos Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXI International Conference of the Russian Association for Human Reproduction (8-10 September 2011, St. Petersburg). - St. Petersburg, 2011. - pp. 67-68
  • Feskov A.M., Somova E.V., Grabar V.V., Blazhko E.V., Tischenko А.А. Effect of hyperandrogenism on morphology of oocytes, embryos and frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in in vitro fertilisation cycles Bulletin of Problems of Biology and Medicine. - 2011. - Issue 2, Vol. 1. - pp. 171 - 175
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Zozulina А.N., Blazhko E.V. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos of patients with the presence of aneuploidies in sperm nuclei on chromosomes 18, 21, X, Y. Problems of reproduction. - № 3. - 2011. - pp. 80-81
  • Feskova I.А., Feskov A.M., Somova E.V., Chumakova N.А. Preparation of overweight patients for IVF programs Collection of scientific papers of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Ukraine. - K.: Intermed, 2011. - pp. 866--871
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechna І.M., Blazhko E.V. The influence of intrauterine administration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on implantation rates in “fresh” and “cryo” IVF programs World of Medicine and Biology - 2011. -№ 3. - pp. 132-134
  • Grabar V.V., Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S. Results of genetic profile study in families with reproductive disorders Collection of scientific works of the staff of the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. - Kyiv, 2011. - pp.189-195
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zozulina А.N., Somova E.V. The content of spermatozoa with aneuploidies or with fragmented DNA for patient with high content of immature sperm in ejaculate Fertility and Sterility September 2012, S 249
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechnaya I.M., Blazhko E.V., Feskov V.А. Study of aneuploidies of chromosomes x, y, 18, 21 in spermatozoa nuclei in men with astheno- and oligoasthenozoospermia. Problems of reproduction. -2012. -№ 1. - pp. 77-78
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova І.А., Bezpechna І.M., Tischenko А.А. Influence of metabolic activity of follicular fluid on oocyte quality and in vitro fertilisation result in women with polykistotic ovary syndrome. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Eleventh Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 1-2 March 2012. - pp. 120-121.
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Blazhko E.V. Blastocyst formation rate for aneuploidy and euploid embryos in IVF cycles Reproductive BioMedicine Onlin. – 2012 – P. 52 (68)
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.А., Somova E.V., Zozulina А.N. Analysis of the correlation between morphological abnormality and the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in sperm nuclei in men with astheno-, oligo- and teratozoospermia Tauride Medical and Biological Bulletin. - 2012 - Vol. 15, No. 2, Part 2 (58). - pp. 191-193
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Chumakova N.А., Blazhko E.V. Progesterone levels and prediction of pregnancy in cycles of controlled ovulation stimulation Tauride Medical and Biological Bulletin. - 2012. - Vol. 15, No. 2, Part 1 (58). -pp. 322-323
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Chumakova N.А. Relationship of antimüllerian hormone with estradiol level and oocyte fertilisation potential in women of different ages with polycystic ovary syndrome in vitro fertilisation cycles. "Endocrine pathology in the age aspect" Kharkov 1-2 November 2012 pp. 78-79
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S.., Blazhko E.V. Study of aneuploid spermatozoa and spermatozoa carrying fragmented DNA in men with increased immature sperm in the ejaculate. Bulletin of Karazin Kharkov National University. Series: Biology, pp. 107-108
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Bezpechna I.M. Sperm aneuploidies and sperm DNA fragmentation for patients with polymorphisms in folate cycle genes MTHFR and MTRR COGI, 2013, P22
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechna І.M., Sotnik N.N. Investigation of MTHFR and MTRR genetic polymorphisms in men with high level of sperm DNA fragmentation F&S ,sept. 2013, P 979,s430
  • Somova E.V, Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M Effect of progesterone levels in ovulation stimulation cycles on embryo quality and pregnancy in IVF programs in women with different androgen status. Twelfth Danilevsky readings. Materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation. Kharkov 2013. pp. 127-128
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Yegunkova E.V. Allelic polymorphisms of folate metabolism genes in men with reduced reproductive function. Problems of reproduction 1/2013 p. 70-72.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Bezpechna І.M.ya, Tischenko А.А., Zhilkova E.S. Peculiarities of early embryo development in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome Reproductive Medicine and Beyond: 5th Int. Congress, Seville, Spain, April 4-6, 2013.- Seville. - pp.34-35.
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Bezpechna І.M.ya, Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А. IVF outcomes and embryo morphokinetics in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome ESHRE, London, 2013
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Chumakova N.А. Outcome of ART treatment after embryo transfer after PGD using time lapse observation system UAHR, Volgograd, 2013
  • Feskov A.M., Feskov V.А., Blagoveschenckiy E.V., Kartashov S.M., Sotnik N.N., Somova E.V., Tischenko А.А. Vitrification of ovarian tissue as a method of preserving oocytes of early developmental stages. UAHR, Volgograd 2013
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Bezpechnaya I.M. Expediency of operative treatment of patients with endometrioid cysts before IVF program UAHR, Volgograd, 2013
  • Feskov A.M., Chumakova N.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Ryzhkov А.V. Significance of microsalringoscopy in the choice of treatment tactics for women with tubal infertility. Woman's Health. 2013. -№ 4(80).- pp.139-140
  • Feskov A.M., Bezpechnaya I.M., Chumakova N.А., Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S. Effectiveness of treatment of patients with thrombophilias in ART programs Woman's Health. - 2013. -№ 4(80).- pp.147-148
  • Feskov V.А., Feskov A.M., Tuchkina I.А., Blagoveschenckiy E.V., Kartashov S.M., Sotnik N.N., Somova E.V., Tischenko А.А. Vitrification of ovarian tissue as a method of preserving oocytes of early stages of development Problems of reproduction No. 5, 2013, pp. 64-65
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M., Feskov V.A. Sperm DNA fragmentation as a factor of male low reproductive function in IVF practice International Journal of Biology, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2014, pp. 75-81
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А, Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Blazhko E.V., Tischenko А.А. Influence of recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone dose and estradiol level on embryo morphokinetics and in vitro fertilisation result in women with hyperandrogenism. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Thirteenth Danilevsky readings): materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation, Kharkov, 13-14 March 2014 - Kharkov, 2014. - pp. 144-145.
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechnaya I.M., Fedota А.M. Peculiarities of development of embryos obtained by methods of assisted reproductive technologies from patients with increased content of aneuploid spermatozoa in ejaculate. Actual problems of obstetrics and gynaecology, clinical immunology and medical genetics.
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Sotnik N.N., Feskov V.А. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells composition in the autoimmune infertility treatment in IVF practice 13 Czechoslovakian Conference
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Sotnik N.N., Feskov V.А. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells composition in the autoimmune infertility treatment in IVF practice 24 ART Symposium 2014
  • Feskov A.M., Bezpechnaya I.M., Somova E.V., Chumakova N.А., Zozulina А.N. Features of COS in women of older reproductive age with reduced ovarian reserve. "Endocrine pathology in the age aspect". Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation 2014
  • Lecovoy V.N., Feskov A.M., Garagatiy I.А., Аrkatov А.V., Knigavko А.V., Demchenko V.N., Krivorotko Yu.V., Feskova I.А., Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S., Ivanova А.V. Genetic factors of spermatogenesis disorders in men with reduced reproductive function "Diagnostics of ejaculate disorders and assisted reproductive technologies" Methodological recommendations
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Bezpechnaya I.M., Fedota А.M. Ultrasound screening of chromosomal pathology in pregnant women with assisted reproduction in the second trimester. Ukrainian Radiological Journal - 2014 - Vol. XII. - Issue 4 - pp. 15-19
  • Feskov A.M., Somova E.V., Feskova I.А, Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Tischenko А.А. Effect of hyperandrogenism on early embryo development Reproductive endocrinology - 2014. -№ 2(16). - P. 113.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Tischenko А.А., Blazhko E.V., Somova E.V. In male factor infertility, the level of DNA fragmentation in spem correlates with polymorphism of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor Hum.Reprod. -2014.- Vol. 29, Suppl. 1. - P. i8.
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Ivanova А.V. Influence of environmental factors and age on reproductive function in men Gender Ecology.Health. Materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 210th anniversary of KhNMU \ Kharkov, 21-22 April 2015 (p252)
  • Feskov A.M., ZozulinaА.N., Ivanova А.V. "ART techniques leading to increased pregnancy rates with pathospermia". Gender Ecology.Health. Materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 210th anniversary of KhNMU \ Kharkov 21-22 April 2015 (p254)
  • Feskov A.M., Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S. Are there sex differences in morphokinetics of human embryos at the pre-implantation stage? Gender Ecology.Health. Gender Ecology.Health. Materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 210th anniversary of KhNMU \ Kharkov 21-22 April 2015 (p255)
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Feskov V.А., Tischenko А.А.  Effect of taurine on the efficacy of in vitro fertilisation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. "Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology" (Fourteenth Danilevsky readings)
  • Somova E.V, Feskov A.M., Ivanova А.V., Feskov V.А., Tischenko А.А. Effectiveness of artificial oocyte activation in IVF cycles in male factor infertility. Urology, nephrology, health (conference materials) 28-29 May 2015 Kharkov, pp.183-184
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Ivanova А.V., Yegunkova E.V., Zozulina А.N. Influence of DNA fragmentation level in sperm nuclei on the quality of blastocysts for men with reduced fertility. Urology, nephrology, health (conference materials) 28-29 May 2015 Kharkov, pp. 186-187.
  • Feskov A.M., Zozulina А.M., Blazhko E.V, Chumakova N.А., Feskov V.А. Feasibility of IMSI , PICSI before ICSI for pathospermia in ART programs. Urology, nephrology, health (conference materials) 28-29 May 2015 Kharkov, pp. 185-186
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M., Blazhko E.V Analysis of polymorphic variants G919A and A2039G of FSHR gene in men with reduced fertility in the Eastern Ukrainian population. Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine. - 2015. - Vol. 1, No. 124. - pp. 182 - 187
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M., Sotnik N.N. Analysis of polymorphic variants of MTHFR (C677T, A1298C) and MTRR (A66G) genes in men with reduced reproductive function Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine. - 2015. - Vol. 2, No. 125. - pp. 253 - 258
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Ivanova А.V., Somova E.V. In male factor infertility, the sperm aneuploidies of chromosomes 16 and 18 correlate with polymorphism of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor ESHRE 2015, ABSTRACT BOOK 2015 VOL 30, P. 156 (P-077), SUPP 1 I, HUMAN REPRODUCTION
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Yegunkova O.V., Ivanova А.V., Somova E.V. Blastocyst formation rates depend on the level of aneuploidies in sperm ASRM 2015, ASRM Abstracts, FERTILITY & STERILITY, Vol. 104, No. 3, Supplement, September 2015
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov V.A. In male infertility folate cycle genes variants associate with sperm aneuploidy and DNA fragmentation ESHRE 2016, ABSTRACT BOOK 2016 VOL 31, P. I 134 SUPP 1 , HUMAN REPRODUCTION
  • Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А., Feskov A.M., Ivanova А.V., Feskov V.A., Zozulina А.N. IVF outcomes and morphokinetics of embryos originating from testicular spermatozoa of men with follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene polymorphism ESHRE 2016, ABSTRACT BOOK 2016 VOL 31, pp. I 159-160 SUPP 1 , HUMAN REPRODUCTION
  • Zhilkova E.S., Chumakova N.А., Tischenko А.А., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M. Analysis of the association of DNA fragmentation and sperm aneuploidy with early embryo parameters Factors of experimental evolution of organisms. - 2016. - Vol. 18. - pp. 231-235.
  • Fedota А.M., Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S. Association of gene polymorphisms of folate metabolism with sperm aneuploidy in men with low reproductive function Bulletin of the Ukrainian Society of Geneticists and Breeders. - 2016. - Vol. 14, No. 1. - pp. 72-78.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M. FSHR Gene Polymorphisms Causes Male Infertility Open Journal of Genetics. - 2016. - No. 6. - pp. 1-8.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M., Blazhko E.V., Hubenko V. Sperm DNA quality correlates with PGD results 16th International conference on Preimplantation Genetics, Valencia, 26-29 March, 2017 (publication was released in 2018, see information further in 2018)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov A.M., Fedota O.M. Single nucleotide polymorphisms G919A and A2039G of FSHR gene in males with severe forms of infertility. Ukrainian journal of medicine, biology and sports. - 2017. - Vol. 1, No. 3. - pp. 179-188
  • Feskov A.M Peculiarities of minimally invasive surgery in the work of reproductive physicians 1-International Congress "Reproductive health: a multidisciplinary approach in the continuous professional development of doctors"
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Fedota O.M. The effect of DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa on the development of embryos during the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Ukrainian Journal of Medicine, Biology and Sports. - 2017. - Vol. 2, No. 4. - pp. 209-213
  • Somova E.V., Feskov V.A., Zhilkova E.S., Tishchenko A.A., Feskov A.M. The choice of the best embryo originating from spermatozoa of men with severe male factor infertility: morphokinetics and next-generation sequencing (NGS) results Hum.Reprod. - 2017. - Vol. 32, Supp. 1. - pp. i201-i202 Abstracts of the 33rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Geneva, Switzerland 2 to 5 July 2017. P-140 , ESHRE 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Feskov A.M., Ivanova А.V., Ryzhkov А.V., Somova E.V. Effectiveness of cycles of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for azoospermia. Urology. Andrology. Nephrology: materials of the jubilee conference, Kharkov, 5-6 October 2017 - Kharkov, 2017.- pp. 119-120
  • Lecovoy V.N., Panacovckiy N.L., Аrkatov А.V., Sitnikova E.I., Feskov A.M Effectiveness of MICRO-TESE in secretory forms of male infertility. Urology. Andrology. Nephrology: materials of the anniversary conference, Kharkov, 5-6 October 2017 - Kharkov, 2017.- pp. 96-97
  • Feskov A.M Boundaries of the possible: ART and male infertility Urology. Andrology. Nephrology: materials of the anniversary conference, Kharkov, 5-6 October 2017. Report
  • Feskov A.M., Ivanova А.V., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V. Effect of antioxidant therapy on DNA fragmentation and sperm maturity in assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycles. Urology. Andrology. Nephrology: materials of the jubilee conference, Kharkov, 5-6 October 2017 - Kharkov, 2017.- pp. 118-119
  • Zhilkova E.S., Sotnik N.N., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M. Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms G919A and A2039G of Gene FSHR in Infertile Men Cytology and Genetics, March 2018, Volume 52, Issue 2, pp 132-138 /.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Sotnik N.N., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M. Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms G919A and A2039G of Gene FSHR in Infertile Men. http://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S0095452718020111 Tsitologiya i Genetika, 2018, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 58-66.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Sotnik N.M., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov A.M., Fedota O.M. Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms G919A and A2039G of gene FSHR in infertile men. Cytology and Genetics, 2018, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 58-66.
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Feskov V.А., Chumakova N.А. Results of preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos obtained from patients with pathospermia Urology, andrology, nephrology - achievements, problems, solutions: materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, Kharkov, 24-25 May 2018 - Kharkov, 2018. - pp. 174-176
  • Feskov A.M Features of the management of the ART clinic (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Feskov V.A. PGD-NGS in the practice of a reproductive specialist: mosaicism, aneuploidy, priorities and tactics (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V. P-311 Peripheral blood mononuclear cells in IVF practice: 2 years experience Abstracts of the 34th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Barcelona, Spain 1 to 4 July 2018. (Hum. Reprod. - 2018. - Vol. 33, Suppl. 1. - P. i283 (Abstract book)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Fedota А.M., Blazhko E.V., Hubenko V. Р-58 sperm DNA quality correlates with PGD results Reproductive biomedicine online. - 2018. - Volume 36, Supplement 1, Page e40 by 16th International conference on Preimplantation Genetics, Valencia, 26-29 March, 2017. https://www.rbmojournal.com/action/showMultipleAbstracts.
  • Feskov A.M Mosaicism and aneuploidy in embryos after NGS. Priorities and tactics 14 September 2018, Ivano-Frankivsk, All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Human reproduction: the latest technologies, problems and prospects"
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova І.А., Bezpechna І.M. Age aspects of low ovarian reserve in the fertility clinic Plenum of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Ukraine and scientific and practical conference with international participation. Reproductive health in Ukraine: trends, achievements, challenges and priorities. 20-21 September 2018, Kyiv
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А., Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V. Advanced maternal age and IVF results after Preimplantation Genetic Screening The 26th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Infertility (COGI), November 23-25, 2018 London, UK
  • Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А., Feskov V.A., Feskov A.M., Fedota O.M. Influence of DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa on embryo development in in vitro fertilisation programs Actual problems of modern medicine. Issue I, 2018, pp. 38-42 (Publication based on the results of the conference of young scientists in 2017)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskov V.A., Yegunkova O.V., Zozulina O.M. Morphology of the blastocysts correlates with results of PGS. RBMOnline, 2019, Abstracts - 17th Annual International. Conference on Preimplantation Genetics, doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2019.03.053
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Іvanova G.V., Yegunkova O.V., Blazhko E.V. Results of preimplantation genetic screening of embryos obtained from patients with different types of pathospermia Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation "Urology, andrology, nephrology. Achievements, problems, solutions", 30-31 May, 2019, Kharkov, pp. 180-181
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Sotnik N.M., Rudenko V.А. Peculiarities of preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos obtained from men with severe spermatogenesis disorders Journal of Problems of Biology and Medicine. - 2019. - Issue 1, Vol. 2 (149). - pp. 234-237. DOI: 10.29254/2077-4214-2019-1-2-149-234-237
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Bezpechna І.M., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov A.M. Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies in IVF in patients with Y chromosome AZF-c microdeletion The 6th World Congress Controversies in Genetics; Ovarian Club XIV, November 7-9, Paris, France, Program Book, Group B, Board 3 (Page 12)
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S, Rudenko V.А., Chumakova N.O., Yegunkova O.V. Peculiarities of the state of the chromosomal apparatus of spouses in case of reproductive function disorders Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University. - 2019 - Vol. 33 - pp. 41-47. DOI: 10.26565/2075-5457-2019-33-6
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Zozulina O.N. Severe male factor affects the blastocysts ploidy status Hum.Reprod. – 2020. – Vol. 35, Supp. 1. - pp. i155-i156 Abstracts of ESHRE virtual 36th Annual Meeting 5-8 July 2020
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Blazhko E.V., Yegunkova O.V. Clinical applications of platelet-rich plasma in poor endometrium patients in IVF practice Hum.Reprod. – 2020. – Vol. 35, Supp. 1. - P. i302 Abstracts of ESHRE virtual 36th Annual Meeting 5-8 July 2020
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Blazhko E.V., Somova E.V. The intrauterine transfer of peripheral blood mononuclear cells improves implantation rates in IVF patients with repeated implantation failure when the euploid embryos are transferred IVF-Worldwide Online Congress in Reproductive Medicine, September 12-13, 2020: E-Abstract Book. – 2020. – P.16 (electronic poster 19)
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Chumakova N.A., Yegunkova O.V. Intrauterine administration of peripheral mononuclear cells and platelet-rich plasma in poor endometrium patients with repeated implantation failures IVF-Worldwide Online Congress in Reproductive Medicine, September 12-13, 2020: E-Abstract Book. – 2020. – P. 15 (electronic poster 14)
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova І.А., Rudenko V.А., Sotnyk N.N., Zozulina А.N. Application of platelet-rich plasma in assisted reproductive techniques: ovarian rejuvenation therapy GREM(Gynecological and Reproductive Endocinology & Metabolism): Book of abstracts of Gynecological Endocrinology the 19th World Congress. – 2020. - Vol. 1. - Suppl. 1. - P. 244. (ISGE2-5 december 2020,
  • Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Tischenko А.А., Bezpechna І.M, Manzhai Yu., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A. Can nuclear transfer improve ivf outcome in women with elevated follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level GREM (Gynecological and Reproductive Endocinology & Metabolism): Book of abstracts of Gynecological Endocrinology the 19th World Congress. – 2020. - Vol. 1. - Suppl. 1. - pp. 466. (ISGE2-5 december 2020, electronic poster P151b)
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Yegunkova O.V., Blazhko E.V., Tischenko А.А. The era of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in infertility treatment Modern achievements and prospects of clinical laboratory medicine in the diagnosis of human and animal diseases: materials of the scientific and practical international distance conference (17 March 2021) - Kharkov: NUPh, 2021.- pp. 166-167
  • Eryomenko R.F., Kozar V.V., Litvinova O.M., Dolzhikova O.V., Karabut L.V., Litvinenko G.L., Matviychuk O.P., Feskov A.M., Somova E.V. Study of ejaculate. Spermogram: methodological recommendations for classroom and independent work Kharkov: NUPh Publishing House, 2021. - 71 p.
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskov V.A., Somova E.V., Y. Zin, Yegunkova O.V. The intrauterus administration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells increase the pregnancy rates for the patients with advanced maternal age after single euploid embryo transfer Hum.Reprod. - 2021. - Vol. 36, Supp. 1. - P. i314 (P-390). Abstracts of the 37th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE 26 June-1 July 2021
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechna І.M., Osovskiy І.K. Clinical applications of platelet-rich plasma in poor endometrium patients with adenomyosis Hum.Reprod. - 2021. - Vol. 36, Supp. 1. - P. i278 (P-312). Abstracts of the 37th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE 26 June-1 July 2021
  • Feskov A.M Tips and tricks for conducting ART programs Gallery of Reproductive Arts: Fertility Organon Launch Forum, 15-16 October 2021, Odesa
  • Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Rudenko V.А., Chumakova N.A., Yegunkova O.V. Blastocysts’ ploidy depends on reactive Oxygen species in sperm The 8th CoGEN World Congress (6th November, 2021), Virtual Congress https://cogenlive.cme-congresses.com/posters/
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Necteruk G.V., Feskova I.A., Osovskiy І.K. Effect of myo- and nositol preparatory therapy on the outcome of ART treatment of infertility in men with reduced reproductive function Reproductive Endocrinology, No. 6(62)/December 2021, pp. 30-33 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18370/2309-4117.2021.62.30-33
  • Feskov A.M., Feskova І.А., Zhilkova E.S., Rudenko V.А., Blazhko E.V. Changes in embryo karyotype as a cause of pregnancy failure in the first trimester V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University Bulletin, Series "Biology", Vol. 37, 2021, pp. 43-50. DOI: 10.26565/2075-5457-2021-37-3
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Necteruk G.V., Zozulina O.M., Blazhko E.V. Influence of intrauterine injection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on the frequency of embryo implantation in patients with multiple failed in vitro fertilisation attempts Ukrainian Medical Journal, 4 (150) - VII/VIII 2022. DOI: 10.32471/umj.1680-3051.150.230886
  • Feskov A.M., Zhilkova E.S., Feskova I.A., Somova E.V., Sotnyk N.N. Results of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (PGT-A) in IVF depend on sperm parameters 13th ALPHA BIENNIAL CONFERENCE, Seville, Spain, on 6th - 9th October 2022, RBMO, vol. 45, Issue Supplement 1, e49


  • 15.-16. Mai 2024

    15.-16. Mai 2024 Aktive Teilnahme an der 48. Jahreskonferenz junger Wissenschaftler „Kälte in Biologie und Medizin-2024“, Charkow, Ukraine

  • 15.-16. Mai 2024

    Aktive Teilnahme an der 48. Jahreskonferenz junger Wissenschaftler „Kälte in Biologie und Medizin-2024“, Charkow, Ukraine

  • 25.-28. Juni 2023, Kopenhagen, Dänemark

    Teilnahmebescheinigung für die 39. Jahrestagung der ESHRE

  • 20.-22. April 2023, Malaga, Spanien

    Teilnahmebescheinigung am 10. Internationalen Kongress IVIRMA

  • 15.-18. März 2023, Venedig, Italien

    Zertifikat zur Teilnahme am 19. Weltkongress für menschliche Reproduktion

  • 15.-18. März 2023, Venedig, Italien

    Teilnahmebescheinigung für den 19. Weltkongress für menschliche Reproduktion

  • 3.-6. Juli 2022, Mailand, Italien

    Teilnahmebescheinigung für die 38. ESHRE-Jahrestagung

  • Krakau, Polen

    Teilnahmebescheinigung an der internationalen Konferenz „Probleme der modernen Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe bei der Analyse klinischer Fälle“

  • 5. bis 8. Juni 2012


  • 27. bis 30. November 2008, Paris, Frankreich

    Der 11. Weltkongress zu Kontroversen in Geburtshilfe, Gynäkologie und Unfruchtbarkeit (COGI)

  • 6.-9. Juli 2008

    Teilnahmebescheinigung für die Teilnahme am Allukrainischen Online-Workshop eines modernen Geburtshelfers und Gynäkologen „GYN: Geheimnisse der Meisterschaft von Autoritäten und ihren Schülern“

  • 21. bis 23. Mai 2008, Sudak

    Teilnahmebescheinigung am internationalen Kongress „Aktuelle Fragen der Geburtshilfe, Gynäkologie und Perinatologie“

  • 11.-13. April 2008

    Teilnahme am 2. Kongress der Asiatisch-Pazifischen Initiative für Reproduktion (ASPIRE 2008) und beim 6. Treffen der Pacific Rim Fertility and Infertility Society (PRSFS 2008)

  • Seminar 2008

    Teilnahmebescheinigung am wissenschaftlich-praktischen Seminar „Reproduktionschirurgie“

  • 2007

    Die Urkunde zur Bestätigung der Mitgliedschaft in der Society of Gynecological Endoscopists and Pelvic Surgeons

  • 13.-16. Dezember 2007 Lemberg, Ukraine

    Teilnahmebescheinigung für eine erweiterte Tagung der UARM: „Puregon und Orgalutran – zwei Bausteine der Hoffnung“

  • 1. bis 4. Juli 2007

    23. Jahrestreffen der ESHRE Lyon

  • 31. Mai-1. Juni 2007, Kiew, Ukraine

    Diplom des Teilnehmers des II. Internationalen Symposiums

  • 29. Mai -1. Juni 2007

    Teilnahmezertifikat für die Nationale Medizinausstellung und das Forum „Healthy Nation 2007“

  • 17.-18. Mai 2007

    Teilnahmebescheinigung an der wissenschaftlich-praktischen Konferenz „Aktuelle Fragen der Geburtshilfe, Gynäkologie und Perinatologie“

  • 22. bis 23. Dezember 2006, Kiew, Ukraine

    Zertifikat zur Teilnahme an der Internationalen Konferenz „Moderne minimal-invasive Eingriffe an den Organen des Fortpflanzungssystems und des Beckenbodens bei Frauen“

  • 20. bis 23. September 2006, Donezk, Ukraine

    Teilnahme am 12. Kongress der Geburtshelfer und Gynäkologen der Ukraine mit internationaler Beteiligung „Reproduktive Gesundheit im 21. Jahrhundert“

  • 7. bis 9. September 2006

    Zertifikat für die Teilnahme an der XVI. internationalen Konferenz „Assistierte Reproduktionstechnologien heute und morgen“

  • 18. bis 21. Juni 2006

    22. Jahrestagung der ESHRE Prag

  • 02.-03. Juni 2006

    Teilnahmebescheinigung für die Tagung „Unfruchtbarkeit. Technologien der assistierten Reproduktion: Realitäten und Perspektiven“

  • 11.-12. Mai 2006

    Teilnahmebescheinigung an der wissenschaftlich-praktischen Konferenz „Aktuelle Fragen der Geburtshilfe, Gynäkologie und Perinatologie“

  • 3. Februar 2006

    Teilnahmezertifikat am Schulseminar mit internationaler Beteiligung „Perinatalmedizin: Moderne Errungenschaften und Entwicklungsperspektiven“

  • 26.-28. September 2004

    Zertifikat für die Teilnahme an der XIV. internationalen Konferenz „Reproduktionstechnologien heute und morgen“

  • 07.-11. Juni 2004

    Teilnahmeurkunde XVII. Internationaler Kongress mit Endoskopiekurs „Moderne Technologien in der Diagnostik und Behandlung gynäkologischer Erkrankungen“

  • 27.-28. März 2004, Kiew, Ukraine

    Teilnahmebescheinigung Symposium „Aktuelle Probleme der Reproduktionsmedizin“

  • 26.-28. September 2003, Odessa

    Diplom für die Teilnahme an der IV. Allukrainischen Konferenz für gynäkologische Endoskopie

  • 13. Juni 2003, Helsinki, Finnland

    Bescheinigung über die Teilnahme an einem wissenschaftlichen Symposium MIRENAR – Vorteile, die über die Empfängnisverhütung hinausgehen

  • 20. November 1997

    Erhalt des Patentzertifikats PA Nr. 806 für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit „Infusion von Hyperprolaktinämie zur Stimulation des Eisprungs bei Frauen mit Unfruchtbarkeit endokrinen Ursprungs“, registriert bei der Staatlichen Agentur der Ukraine mit Urheber- und Eigentumsrechten

  • 27. Juni 1997

    Erhalt des Patentzertifikats PA Nr. 594 für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit „Neue Ansätze zur Diagnose und Behandlung von Unfruchtbarkeit endokrinen Ursprungs im Zusammenhang mit sekretorischen Veränderungen des Endometriums“

Seiten und Artikel

15 Fakten zur Leihmutterschaft • Eine detaillierte Übersicht für alle Länder 25 / Jan / 2020 5 Jahre freie Kryokonservierungs-Eizellen - Sozialprojekt der Feskov Human Reproduction Group 28 / Nov / 2019 Anforderungen an die Leihmutterschaft: Warum gibt es bestimmte Anforderungen? 02 / Oct / 2020 Das Leben der Ukraine und die Arbeit von Feskov Human Reproduction Group während des Krieges 20 / Jul / 2022 DELUXE Garantie 19 / Jun / 2017 DELUXE Garantie 14 / Aug / 2019 DELUXE USA 14 / Aug / 2019 Die Leihmutterschaftserfahrung: Die Wahl der Ukraine 16 / Feb / 2024 Die Normalisierung der Leihmutterschaft in unserer Gesellschaft 23 / Oct / 2020 Die Richtige finden: Das Auswahlverfahren von der Leihmutterschaft verstehen 17 / Mar / 2022 Die Vorteile der ukrainischen Genetik. Eizellenspende verdienst 03 / Aug / 2017 Dienstleistungen 03 / Mar / 2016 Eizellspende 03 / Sep / 2018 Eizellspende:Was ist es und wie funktioniert es? 28 / Dec / 2020 Endometriumvorbereitung für den Embryotransfer: So funktioniert es 19 / Feb / 2024 Fakten und Mythen zur Vorhersage des Geschlechts Ihres Babys 28 / Sep / 2021 Gewichtszunahme bei IVF: Ist eine IVF-Behandlung mit Übergewicht möglich?? 06 / Mar / 2022 ICSI-, PICSI- und IMSI-Methoden, was ist der Unterschied und welche Unterschiede gibt es? 11 / Nov / 2021 Internationales Programm der Leihmutterschaft Ukraine-Kanada 27 / Feb / 2020 Kinder vererben geistige Fähigkeiten der Mutter 04 / Dec / 2017 Künstliche Befruchtung 03 / Sep / 2018 KYC vor Beginn eines Leihmutterschaftsprogramms 27 / Mar / 2023 Leihmutterschaft für Alleinerziehende: wo es sie gibt und welche Risiken sie birgt. Geburt bei einem Elternteil in der Ukraine - Mythos oder Realität? 20 / Feb / 2024 Leihmutterschaft in Tschechien für Singles 04 / Apr / 2016 Leihmutterschaft-Dienstleistungen 03 / Sep / 2018 Preise für Leihmutterschaft in Europa 25 / Mar / 2019 So beginnen Sie den Leihmutterschaftsprozess 18 / Feb / 2024 Spezielle Angebote 10 / Jun / 2020 Treffen mit Ihnen in Zürich und Köln 24 / Jul / 2020 VIP-Leihmutter 19 / Mar / 2016 Von Großbritannien in die Ukraine: Perspektiven der Leihmutterschaft in der Ukraine von Eltern, die dort waren 02 / Feb / 2024 Welche Vor- und Nachteile hat die Wahl einer Leihmutterschaft? 17 / Feb / 2024 Welcher Fruchtbarkeitsarzt ist der beste für Sie? 16 / Nov / 2023 Welcher Zusammenhang besteht zwischen Stress und Unfruchtbarkeit? 06 / Sep / 2024 Wenn Sie HIV sind. Gebären Sie ein gesundes Baby 02 / Sep / 2019 Wie alt ist zu alt, um ein Baby zu bekommen? 09 / Aug / 2021 Wir verabreden Ihnen ein Stelldichein in Paris! 20 / Mar / 2020 Zeitplan für die Eizellspende: Von der Bewerbung bis zur Post-Prozedur 02 / Mar / 2021

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